We have 1190 miles to go, with a bit of luck we should arrive in the Marquises by Thursday, subject of course to weather and no unforeseen circumstance.
Our routine on board is as follows :- it starts with the evening meal just before it gets dark and then Penny goes to bed for a few hours. I have the 8pm radio net to do, where about 8 boats that left the Galapagos at the same time contact each other with their position and weather conditions and check all is well on board. During my watch I usually read or listen to my ipod.
Penny takes over at 1.00am and goes through to 6.00am. As soon as it’s light, I check the boat for wear and tear and re adjusts the sails for the day time. After the morning radio net Penny re emerges from her cabin after a couple of hours of rest when we have breakfast, followed by a couple of games of rumicup and canasta and more reading and in the case of Penny knitting.
In the afternoon we have the movie matinee, which completes the afternoon. As you can see very relaxing assuming of course nothing goes wrong with the boat and that is when all hell breaks loose!! We discovered a new route across the Pacific just to make things a little interesting. We called it ‘Route 116’ I doubt it’s ever been done before!!