We have finally arrived in Kas, Turkey, it is certainly good to be here, after two and half months in Greece we felt we were in need of a culture change.
We actually left one of the best Greek islands to last as once leaving the heaving tourist spots of Rhodes we headed 80 miles east to Kastellorizon, a small Greek island about 2 miles off the Turkish coast. Due to its close proximately to its neighbour it has had a checkered history, changing nationality every 50 or so years. At one point it was a major shipping centre and over 10000 people lived on the island. By the Second World War it was bombed by the Germans and then blown up by the British leaving just a few 100 people there. After the war most of locals emigrated to Australia, leaving a decaying island behind. But as the Kastellorizon Aussies prospered in their new country they sent money back to the island to do up the old family home. It has now resulted in a beautiful restored town where property now changes hand for 100’s of thousands of euro.
One of the highlights of our time there was swimming in the Blue grotto, a sea cave with a very low entrance – no more than a metre high, which opens up to a spectacular cavern lit by a strange blue light from the sea.